Friday, April 2, 2010

America's greatness comes from God - by Ian MacMurdie

It was Henry David Thoreau who said, “government governs best as governs least.” In today’s modern, civilized world of bloated government and huge deficits it is necessary that we as citizens of these United States take a step back not just that we may understand current events but further that we may see a clear direction for the future. Americans today are bombarded constantly with controversial issues; Healthcare, a War on Terror, education, and the operations of a historic administration. In a recent CNN poll, on approval ratings for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid the majority of people said I don’t know enough to have an opinion. This is despite the fact that society is inundated with instantaneous information; TV, internet, radio and newspaper. How does one separate fact from fiction, and reality from deception? America needs to understand who she is, and where she comes from that she may continue to go forward to prosperity. In this essay I shall explain current issues of Healthcare, and the appointment Kevin Jennings from a “One Family Under God” perspective that all Americans may understand the imperative of the age in which we live.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson stated, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...” If I may summarize: The purpose of government is to secure the rights God gives us; rights to life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness. According to President Obama, Healthcare is a human right, thus his year long fight to secure it, even against tremendous opposition. Life, defined thus (the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally)is a gift from God, and as living, breathing men and women we say we have a right to live, compare this to the definition of health: the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor. I would like to use the words health and life, interchangeably, if one does not have health can one really live life? God gives us life and health, but whose job is it to care for that life? Is it not myself? Even a small infant must choose to swallow the food its mother gives it. It must breathe on its own. The instant it leaves its mothers womb and is given life it must take responsibility for its life. Granted it will be many years until that person will assume full responsibility for its life, but as it grows it learns to be self responsible.

It is a very subtle detail, shouldn’t everyone have health care? That’s a good thing- God wants people to live and be healthy, so we should support universal healthcare, right? The other day in a gas station I read, “In God we trust, everyone else pays.” In God we trust once was an important part of American culture, in God we Trust, not in Kings, not in companies or corporations, but to God, and God alone do we trust, our lives, our fortunes and our prosperity. The dangerous thing and the scary thing is that this universal governmental health care sets a precedent for trusting more and more the works of men than the works of God. In other words we are creating an inroads to change America into a Socialist Society, a nation of communism where God is utterly absent.

It is easy to dismiss such statements as ridiculous but consider: was the Soviet Union not named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Or isn’t China still the People’s Republic of China. It is well known that these names of Democracy or Republic are but facades; these communist nations are and still are totalitarian dictatorships. Now what then is the difference between Democracy and Communism as both claim to be for the people, also at times the Soviet Union did allow citizens input in policy making. It is quite simple. In democracies like America we acknowledge the existence of God and allow the free worship of that God, communism does not. It is important that we understand that God gives us life and health, government can do no more than to secure this right to people. In other words to allow people to live their lives; allowing people to have good jobs with fair wages, allow doctors and scientists to find the best cures possible, and also the best insurance a competitive market can offer consumers. Don’t you think that God as the all-powerful creator of this universe has cures to cancer and Aids? As a Health Sciences student, I was amazed to learn all the great causes of disease are lifestyle factors; smoking, drinking excessively, diet, exercise, even the risk of breast cancer can be greatly reduced by a woman having a child and breastfeeding. What America needs is not ObamaCare, but Godcare where people take responsibility to care for themselves and their family members, trusting that God will care for those who help themselves and help others.

If we consider the appointment of people such as Ron Bloom- counsellor to the U.S. President for Manufacturing Policy, Anita Dunn- Whitehouse Communications Director, and Kevin Jennings- Director, Office of Safe and Drug free Schools, not from a Republican versus Democrat viewpoint but from a theist versus atheist perspective we see that these people may really just be the van guard of more to come. Two of these, Bloom and Dunn admire and agree with Mao Tse Tung’s ideas and political leadership. Jennings is an outspoken supporter of homosexuality and avid admirer of Harry Hay, one of the founders of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association). It has been stated that NAMBLA exists to help older men find boys to have sex with. Mao Tse Tung killed millions of Chinese people as he created his totalitarian regime, thus it is safe to say that his “political power came largely from the barrel of a gun,” but I don’t think that is the ideal we should strive for in America.

Is this all not a question of human rights? Don’t people have the right to do what they want? Isn’t that what the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence is all about? If we study our founding documents carefully we see that we are guaranteed, and only guaranteed our god-given rights. Why do our rights come from God? And why are these God -given rights so important? If rights are given by Men can they not also be taken away by men? For thousands of years men lived off of the rights of Men, whatever King or ruler could amass the most power would decide what rights to allow his subjects. Dictatorships are the oldest form of government, and their leaders constantly changed. But we as Americans know that in the same way that humanity didn’t come from humanity, human rights don’t come from humanity, they come from God, a being that is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, thus our rights are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. So we need eternal human rights, that all men can agree to and live with- thus we need god centered human rights.

If we understand God and His will for humanity we understand clearly God’s view on homosexuality. One family Under God explains that a family is created by a man and a woman, further we see this pattern through out all of the natural world. It is very interesting that even though America has existed as a nation for 230 years only now has this issue of homosexuality come to public attention. It would be relatively easy to allow people their right to choose, that’s a good thing, but again where does this door lead? Away from God. For a college history class I recently read the Narrative of an American Revolutionary soldier, which tells the story not of a great general or statesmen but of a common private soldier. What is interesting is that not only were the people that history remembers committed to the cause of Liberty, some 200,000 people starved, froze and were killed as they fought to establish One Nation Under God. I wonder what the Patriot, Nathan Hale, who said “I only regret that I have but one life to live for my country,” before he was hung for treason and espionage without trial or priest, would say to America today? I believe he would say, “yes, we have our individual rights, but also we have our individual responsibility. Anyway who wants to enjoy the rights of the nation are responsible to not only themselves but also to their nation. And do not forget God.”

I personally agree with Thoreau, certainly government has a time and a place, but that time and place is no more or no less than to secure our god-given rights. If we are able to see through this perspective, that America is One Nation Under God, destined to help build One Family Under God we can see clearly that the only path for American, and worldly prosperity and blessing is to chart a course that can bring us back to God. People are unique, and have differences of opinion or perspective; I would never advocate the destruction of the Democratic Party and the enthronement of the Republicans, America has had many different political parties through out its history and that history should continue. What I need to check is not what my Political Party will do for me, or what the country will do for my political party but what will I do for my party, and what will my political party do for my country. As long as Americans live for the sake of America and the World knowing America’s greatness comes from God, I am confident we will create a bright future for our children.

America's greatness comes from

It was Henry David Thoreau who said, “government governs best as governs least.” In today’s modern, civilized world of bloated government and huge deficits it is necessary that we as citizens of these United States take a step back not just that we may understand current events but further that we may see a clear direction for the future. Americans today are bombarded constantly with controversial issues; Healthcare, a War on Terror, education, and the operations of a historic administration. In a recent CNN poll, on approval ratings for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid the majority of people said I don’t know enough to have an opinion. This is despite the fact that society is inundated with instantaneous information; TV, internet, radio and newspaper. How does one separate fact from fiction, and reality from deception? America needs to understand who she is, and where she comes from that she may continue to go forward to prosperity. In this essay I shall explain current issues of Healthcare, and the appointment Kevin Jennings from a “One Family Under God” perspective that all Americans may understand the imperative of the age in which we live.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson stated, “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...” If I may summarize: The purpose of government is to secure the rights God gives us; rights to life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness. According to President Obama, Healthcare is a human right, thus his year long fight to secure it, even against tremendous opposition. Life, defined thus (the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally)is a gift from God, and as living, breathing men and women we say we have a right to live, compare this to the definition of health: the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor. I would like to use the words health and life, interchangeably, if one does not have health can one really live life? God gives us life and health, but whose job is it to care for that life? Is it not myself? Even a small infant must choose to swallow the food its mother gives it. It must breathe on its own. The instant it leaves its mothers womb and is given life it must take responsibility for its life. Granted it will be many years until that person will assume full responsibility for its life, but as it grows it learns to be self responsible.

It is a very subtle detail, shouldn’t everyone have health care? That’s a good thing- God wants people to live and be healthy, so we should support universal healthcare, right? The other day in a gas station I read, “In God we trust, everyone else pays.” In God we trust once was an important part of American culture, in God we Trust, not in Kings, not in companies or corporations, but to God, and God alone do we trust, our lives, our fortunes and our prosperity. The dangerous thing and the scary thing is that this universal governmental health care sets a precedent for trusting more and more the works of men than the works of God. In other words we are creating an inroads to change America into a Socialist Society, a nation of communism where God is utterly absent.

It is easy to dismiss such statements as ridiculous but consider: was the Soviet Union not named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Or isn’t China still the People’s Republic of China. It is well known that these names of Democracy or Republic are but facades; these communist nations are and still are totalitarian dictatorships. Now what then is the difference between Democracy and Communism as both claim to be for the people, also at times the Soviet Union did allow citizens input in policy making. It is quite simple. In democracies like America we acknowledge the existence of God and allow the free worship of that God, communism does not. It is important that we understand that God gives us life and health, government can do no more than to secure this right to people. In other words to allow people to live their lives; allowing people to have good jobs with fair wages, allow doctors and scientists to find the best cures possible, and also the best insurance a competitive market can offer consumers. Don’t you think that God as the all-powerful creator of this universe has cures to cancer and Aids? As a Health Sciences student, I was amazed to learn all the great causes of disease are lifestyle factors; smoking, drinking excessively, diet, exercise, even the risk of breast cancer can be greatly reduced by a woman having a child and breastfeeding. What America needs is not ObamaCare, but Godcare where people take responsibility to care for themselves and their family members, trusting that God will care for those who help themselves and help others.

If we consider the appointment of people such as Ron Bloom- counsellor to the U.S. President for Manufacturing Policy, Anita Dunn- Whitehouse Communications Director, and Kevin Jennings- Director, Office of Safe and Drug free Schools, not from a Republican versus Democrat viewpoint but from a theist versus atheist perspective we see that these people may really just be the van guard of more to come. Two of these, Bloom and Dunn admire and agree with Mao Tse Tung’s ideas and political leadership. Jennings is an outspoken supporter of homosexuality and avid admirer of Harry Hay, one of the founders of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association). It has been stated that NAMBLA exists to help older men find boys to have sex with. Mao Tse Tung killed millions of Chinese people as he created his totalitarian regime, thus it is safe to say that his “political power came largely from the barrel of a gun,” but I don’t think that is the ideal we should strive for in America.

Is this all not a question of human rights? Don’t people have the right to do what they want? Isn’t that what the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence is all about? If we study our founding documents carefully we see that we are guaranteed, and only guaranteed our god-given rights. Why do our rights come from God? And why are these God -given rights so important? If rights are given by Men can they not also be taken away by men? For thousands of years men lived off of the rights of Men, whatever King or ruler could amass the most power would decide what rights to allow his subjects. Dictatorships are the oldest form of government, and their leaders constantly changed. But we as Americans know that in the same way that humanity didn’t come from humanity, human rights don’t come from humanity, they come from God, a being that is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, thus our rights are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. So we need eternal human rights, that all men can agree to and live with- thus we need god centered human rights.

If we understand God and His will for humanity we understand clearly God’s view on homosexuality. One family Under God explains that a family is created by a man and a woman, further we see this pattern through out all of the natural world. It is very interesting that even though America has existed as a nation for 230 years only now has this issue of homosexuality come to public attention. It would be relatively easy to allow people their right to choose, that’s a good thing, but again where does this door lead? Away from God. For a college history class I recently read the Narrative of an American Revolutionary soldier, which tells the story not of a great general or statesmen but of a common private soldier. What is interesting is that not only were the people that history remembers committed to the cause of Liberty, some 200,000 people starved, froze and were killed as they fought to establish One Nation Under God. I wonder what the Patriot, Nathan Hale, who said “I only regret that I have but one life to live for my country,” before he was hung for treason and espionage without trial or priest, would say to America today? I believe he would say, “yes, we have our individual rights, but also we have our individual responsibility. Anyway who wants to enjoy the rights of the nation are responsible to not only themselves but also to their nation. And do not forget God.”

I personally agree with Thoreau, certainly government has a time and a place, but that time and place is no more or no less than to secure our god-given rights. If we are able to see through this perspective, that America is One Nation Under God, destined to help build One Family Under God we can see clearly that the only path for American, and worldly prosperity and blessing is to chart a course that can bring us back to God. People are unique, and have differences of opinion or perspective; I would never advocate the destruction of the Democratic Party and the enthronement of the Republicans, America has had many different political parties through out its history and that history should continue. What I need to check is not what my Political Party will do for me, or what the country will do for my political party but what will I do for my party, and what will my political party do for my country. As long as Americans live for the sake of America and the World knowing America’s greatness comes from God, I am confident we will create a bright future for our children.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Are these what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they came over to the New World

Children in elementary schools are learning about gay rights. The president of America is issuing a universal health care bill. Are these what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they came over to the New World, when they signed the Declaration of Independence? These peoples came to a new land looking for an opportunity to freely practice their religion. The first thing they looked to when they arrived was to build a church where they could praise their God, before anything else. One can clearly see that they wanted their Creator to be the center of their government, of their life. So where did He go in our lives, and where has this brought our society to?

Under the Obama administration, the new Czar of Safe Schools became Kevin Jennings. This man supports and admires Harry Hay, a strong advocate of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Lover Association). He has even written five books, all of them dealing with homosexuality and homosexuality within the schools. We can see that he has a very narrow approach and plan for public school education. Jennings will be the model of education if he continues. “We need to give the future of our country all of the options out there. We should not restrict the education of our children”. These are what the leaders are talking about. Many politicians are fighting for gay rights and gay marriage, but what is the main issue?

This has nothing to do with giving freedom and certain ‘rights’ to all people. It is not about helping out the minorities. This has entirely to do with changing the true meaning of “marriage” and focusing on the individual. Our forefathers advocated and respected the family. All of our lives are shaped and molded by the people that surround us and love us the most, in the family; however, all of that goes away when the focus is solely on the individual’s happiness and individual’s own pleasure and satisfaction. Where is the focus of family in our society today?

Obama has also just issued a new health care bill. “It will give those less fortunate, more opportunity.” Most people would say that this is good. This is what ‘equality for all’ means. But is this that the bill is actually promoting? How does the government know exactly what is best for each individual and the family? This sounds more like a communist government rather than a constitutional republic that the Founding Fathers had in mind for this once-great nation of America. What would be the solution if we saw each other as one family under God?

Let’s take this analogy: Everyone deserves food. It is essential to all human beings in order to survive; however, would it be wiser to give out free fish, or teach the people to fish for their food? The latter gives the people a portion of responsibility, but this is all people’s unalienable personal duty. In the same way, health care is not a right that the government has the power to bestow upon all people. We should help each other take more responsibility. If the government gave things freely to all people, they would just want more, but if we understood our neighbor’s situation (like a true family would), we would truly know how to help them best and how they could sustain themselves.

This type of concern for each other as one family under God is what is missing in our nation. Focusing on the individual’s own happiness will never bring good result. Many people are fighting for humanistic rights, but the real problem is in changing the original meaning and values of what our Founding Fathers fought for; and deviating from God-centered human rights. As a nation that once stood centering on God, we must change the direction that America is headed towards and bring God and the family back into the picture; one family under God.
-Yuriko Takano

Friday, March 19, 2010

Why is GPF what the world needs?

Why is GPF what the world needs?
By: Nathan Breland

In this world, many people seem to be doing good. Many people do service projects and humanitarian efforts. For example, we have seen the tremendous outpouring of monetary support for the disasters in Haiti and Chile recently. However, some efforts must be more helpful than others. Let us compare different service projects.
It is better to have a more long-term than short term impact. It is better to make people independent, rather relying on the person serving them. It is better to not just give people physical please, but spiritual joy as well because spiritual joy is more long-lasting and valuable than physical pleasure.
The Global Peace Festival accomplishes these goals because it invites people to become self-motivated leaders who are living for the most valuable purpose, to build ideal families for the sake of God and the world. This includes the mission to unite all the faith traditions and establish a world-renowned culture of brotherhood.
The reason GPF can accomplish these purposes is because of its vision, values, and principles. With a clear purpose of OFUG, it goes beyond small minded outlooks and pursues the greatest dream of all that encompasses the hopes and dreams of all humanity and God.
Based on this vision, we share common values that lead us in this direction. Because we find value in spiritual happiness and value in serving others, we have a common base that allows us to relate closely as family.
To accomplish our dream, we also need Principles, which GPF emphasizes and provides. By sharing common universal rules we set the framework for progress because we are committed believers in not a binding and isolating doctrine but rather an understanding that all people can accept as common sense. This commitment to Principles will allow the GPF movement to overcome challenges as it faces different value systems in the world, because it is our cherished blueprint that we determine to follow.
By aligning to our vision, values, and principles, partnering organizations carry the culture of OFUG as owners, and this is what will bring about substantial change in the end.
This brings out the main difference of GPF from other organizations, we have a bigger dream because we determine to bring the family unit to order and thereby bring the global family into unity as well. No other organization has a method to build ideal families, which we have found: it is living for the sake of others.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kim Yuna

People everywhere have come together to support athletes who have come from all parts of the world to participate in a major international multi-sport event. 2,622 athletes from 82 nations have come together to compete for gold after many years of shedding blood, sweat and tears. This past Winter Olympics, hosted in Vancouver, Canada, was the second most watched winter Olympics in history. In a matter of seconds, many of the participants became well-known all around the world; one of them being Yuna Kim. From the small country of South Korea, Yuna Kim made a significant impact on the rink, as well as on the world wide stage.
Yuna Kim was preparing for this moment for many, many years, and now South Korea was beginning to make a star out of Yuna Kim. She immediately became a celebrity in her home country. She was featured in many commercials and advertisements, but when she returns home with the gold medal (and with a record score), she will be more than just a champion figure skater. Right now, she is the face of South Korea, but what if she represented more than just one country or one sport?
A small island nation east of South Korea also supported a figure skater in the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver as well. Her name is none other than Mao Asada. She took home with her a silver medal, placing just a couple points behind Yuna Kim. Only four years ago in 2008 she was the World Champion figure skater and won many other gold medals all across the world. Not only is she famous on the ice, but Mao Asada has grown her popularity through the media as well. She is featured in many commercials and variety shows all across the country.
A survey taken at the end of January of 20,000 people asked participants who they thought was the most famous Olympic athlete this year, and by far, Mao Asada was placed first. A couple different survey were also taken asking the participants asked who they had the biggest expectations for, and it showed the same results.
To become more successful, Yuna Kim and Mao Asada need a bigger sphere of influence; a greater vision for themselves and the world. Using their skills and talents and ambitions to make a direct, positive impact on the world, they should skate for a cause; a common global vision, like global peace.
Yuna Kim is publically Catholic, and Mao Asada has been named a goodwill ambassador of Canada. They already have a greater vision for the world. Their views are global, and they are both currently famous on the world wide level. Implementing this vision of one family under God would put them into a whole new light for their contribution to the world.


Jakie Chan

Regarding the most influential people especially to me and to the world, I would have to say Jackie Chan. However, he is not under the age of 30, so I think of the most influential people now and I think of the Olympics. These are the greatest athletes of different nations representing their nations on the world level.

The first person that comes to mind is Apolo Anton Ohno. Raised by his Japanese father, he overcame so much to be on that world level. The persecution he received in 2002 for the incidents that happened in the Salt Lake City winter Olympic Games was one such barrier. His father Yuki Ohno continuously making him better and better yet always knowing that the decision must be Apolo’s to succeed and achieve excellence trained him. He has won eight Olympic medals and 23 world championship medals. More than that was his love in being a role model to others. He never grew up with any skating role models but strived to be like Muhammad Ali and Lance Armstrong. Now that he is influential, he is eager to do something. He has made appearances on numerous TV shows including Dancing with Stars and project runway. In addition, he has helped many services such as “The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria” and the Ronald Mcdonald house. Here is a man who is very successful and influential and has international and inter-cultural already within him. With all eyes on him if he can be a face of GPF and One Family Under God that in itself can inspire so many, like Pacqiou did for the GPF 2007 in the Philippines. Someone who worked so hard and became successful on the world stage, skating for One Family Under God can make a difference.

Just as Olympians must overcome so many challenges to bring success, so has Nick Vujicic. Born without legs or arms he has had to overcome being bullied, contemplating suicide, and being alone. Yet he found that he wasn’t the only one and found that actually he was an inspiration to many for being who he was. He has become a preacher, motivational speaker, and the director of his non-profit organization Life without limbs. Right now he’s giving talks on never giving up, picking yourself up, and helping other physically disabled. If he can also implement One Family Under God on his already world-wide influence, he can inspire people everywhere to a whole new level. Here is a man who is helping others neither for money or fame, but for God and spreading God’s dream to others can be liberating to even himself and even more inspiring to others.

These are both people who are currently influential to me and the world, and are young. If they had the vision of one family under God, there is no limit to the influence they would have on the world. Heaven will be able to work through them and bring results they have never imgined before.