Thursday, April 1, 2010

Are these what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they came over to the New World

Children in elementary schools are learning about gay rights. The president of America is issuing a universal health care bill. Are these what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they came over to the New World, when they signed the Declaration of Independence? These peoples came to a new land looking for an opportunity to freely practice their religion. The first thing they looked to when they arrived was to build a church where they could praise their God, before anything else. One can clearly see that they wanted their Creator to be the center of their government, of their life. So where did He go in our lives, and where has this brought our society to?

Under the Obama administration, the new Czar of Safe Schools became Kevin Jennings. This man supports and admires Harry Hay, a strong advocate of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Lover Association). He has even written five books, all of them dealing with homosexuality and homosexuality within the schools. We can see that he has a very narrow approach and plan for public school education. Jennings will be the model of education if he continues. “We need to give the future of our country all of the options out there. We should not restrict the education of our children”. These are what the leaders are talking about. Many politicians are fighting for gay rights and gay marriage, but what is the main issue?

This has nothing to do with giving freedom and certain ‘rights’ to all people. It is not about helping out the minorities. This has entirely to do with changing the true meaning of “marriage” and focusing on the individual. Our forefathers advocated and respected the family. All of our lives are shaped and molded by the people that surround us and love us the most, in the family; however, all of that goes away when the focus is solely on the individual’s happiness and individual’s own pleasure and satisfaction. Where is the focus of family in our society today?

Obama has also just issued a new health care bill. “It will give those less fortunate, more opportunity.” Most people would say that this is good. This is what ‘equality for all’ means. But is this that the bill is actually promoting? How does the government know exactly what is best for each individual and the family? This sounds more like a communist government rather than a constitutional republic that the Founding Fathers had in mind for this once-great nation of America. What would be the solution if we saw each other as one family under God?

Let’s take this analogy: Everyone deserves food. It is essential to all human beings in order to survive; however, would it be wiser to give out free fish, or teach the people to fish for their food? The latter gives the people a portion of responsibility, but this is all people’s unalienable personal duty. In the same way, health care is not a right that the government has the power to bestow upon all people. We should help each other take more responsibility. If the government gave things freely to all people, they would just want more, but if we understood our neighbor’s situation (like a true family would), we would truly know how to help them best and how they could sustain themselves.

This type of concern for each other as one family under God is what is missing in our nation. Focusing on the individual’s own happiness will never bring good result. Many people are fighting for humanistic rights, but the real problem is in changing the original meaning and values of what our Founding Fathers fought for; and deviating from God-centered human rights. As a nation that once stood centering on God, we must change the direction that America is headed towards and bring God and the family back into the picture; one family under God.
-Yuriko Takano


  1. I really like your analogy with the food. We have so many great non-profits out there, so many different humanitarian efforts are being made around the world. However, aid will always to needed and aid will always be supplied with what is demanded.

    What if we change the way we approach things? This may be a simple example, but I hope to convey my point. When a person is sick we try to offer medicine to get rid of the sickness. Of course, the person might be cured of the cold, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it won't come back again. We'd have to check their living situation. Maybe the room was too cold. Maybe the food they ate wasn't cooked properly.

    There are so many things to consider to solve problems in this world. The best way is for everyone to pitch in and thus that would mean that the culture we share and the attitude we have toward each other needs to be cultivated.

    Great vision.

  2. Man, I really like your essay Yuriko, short and sweet. I tried to be all logical and political with mine.
    Just one point before I pass out from lack of sleep; its not the government's job to redistribute wealth; that's communism. But if we all were owners of true love and cared for each other as brothers and sisters we would naturally take of each other. There are lots of NGO's out there that do good work- we just need to empower them.

    Also one point Kenshu hyung or even Glenn Beck hasn't pointed out yet: WITH THIS HEALTH CARE BILL THEY ARE SUBSIDIZING ABORTIONS. That's right they will take around 13 million bucks per year I understand and give that money to planned parenthood. ~ only know this b/c i listen to "Your Network of Praise."
    Where have traditional family values gone?
